Managing Hepatitis C Symptoms With Diet

Hepatitis C involves inflammation of the liver, which can result in a slew of related health issues and symptoms. Some of the symptoms of this chronic inflammatory disease include:    Fatigue and lethargy  Pain near the location of the liver  Low-grade fever  Nausea and/or vomiting  Dizziness or loss of balance  Difficulty with attention, focus, or concentration  It makes sense that a diet rich in foods that help alleviate inflammation and promote wellness would make sense. Read More 

Considering Marijuana For A Natural Treatment For Your Pain? What To Know Today

If you suffered an injury years ago and you haven't been able to escape the chronic pain, and prescription medications are causing stomach or organ problems, it's time to try a natural treatment option. Talk with a medical professional at a medical marijuana clinic about using medical marijuana or find an online physician and make an appointment. There are different ways to take medical marijuana, and it's worth taking the time to see if this natural treatment that has been used for centuries is right for you. Read More 

How Allergy Specialists Test Your Skin For An Allergic Reaction

If you are being tested for allergies, you might be poked and prodded a lot. You might wonder why the allergist is poking you with so many needles. There are several ways in which the allergist will inject allergens into your body to test for an allergic reaction so they can then help offer you the best possible treatment option. Why Allergy Testing is Necessary The purpose of allergy testing is to determine if your immune system reacts to certain substances. Read More